July 2024
Collaborative performance of 8 artists and 3 musicians, with the idea to explore the narratives that arise during the process of spontaneous deconstruction, using each other's contributed work as shared medium. It was an interesting project that resulted in a fragmented and chaotic display. Trust, rhythm and creative impulse were the most important features in this collaboration.
My contribution included a set of blocks with photographs from a variety of locations printed on aluminium, which explore the theme of the collective emotional body made up of individual stories. My second piece was a jacket made from one of my fabric prints, which I wore to the Action Trauma Summit in Belfast.
May, 2024
An exhibition-project with a documentary photographer Jakub Knapp, exploring the themes of displacement, a path towards hope, searching for peace, unity and connection with universal human values like compassion, respect, kindness. The exhibition included installations, photographic prints and fabric tapestries.
The idea for this project emerged when a group of UK-based artists decided to organize a collaboration following a fundraising auction/exhibition in Frome in April 2022 in response to the war in Ukraine. The main goal was to build a connection with Ukrainian artists and establish a supportive conversation channel that would allow a discussion about traumatic events to occur in a non-verbal form of art.
We used online whiteboards for sharing responses to several related questions focusing on conflict, peace, and Ukraine as a country. Video meetings and written comments on the boards have allowed stronger relationships between the participants, holding the space and offering much needed psychological support.
Half a year into the project we organized an exhibition to share the conversation with the broader audience.
April 2023, With Prachi Patel
Light through time: a collaborative exploration inside the old tunnel where the performer is using candles, strings and drawing materials to observe and witness her invisible emotions. I use vintage film and long exposure to capture the essence of her movement, her pain and her life force that is trying to overcome it.
2023, with Bhavana Ram Mohan
A collaborative artistic intervention at Holburne Museum in Bath is gradually drawing characters from the paintings with improvised movements using the vocabulary of Indian Classical Dance; Bhavana’s voice and struggle become visible, showcasing through the network of linkages and associations. The dance challenges the visitors to pause and reflect on the paintings and the space from her perspective.
August 2023
My final MA project was exploring the narratives of war and its legacy on a journey from the Polish town of Rabka-Zdroj to Berlin. My goal was to learn from places that have the memory of trauma, using the visual language of photography to capture and express the experience of recovery. Every place I visited had something uniquely unsettling about it, a still unanswered question, the work in progress.
In Poland, I visited the school for blind and disabled children that used to host a nazi school during the second world war. It was difficult to believe the story of this place, which today looks green and thriving. I also walked around a quarter of Krakow, where a large number of people disappeared overnight due to relocation to the ghetto outside of town. Here I was listening to the sound of absence - the echoes of the Holocaust.
In Berlin, I continued to explore the memory of WWII as well as the transformation of it in various places, including the Brandenburg Gate, the Holocaust memorial, an exhibition about war photography and nazi architecture. The one image that reflectively summarises an emotion I felt afterwards, taken in Potsdam while walking on a quiet street, is the one of the paving: the scar still healing.
The resulting from the project above final exhibition at Bath Spa University